Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day: Call for Abstracts Submission Form

2024 Theme: “Can Automotive Ethernet Scale Infinitely?”

Call for Abstracts

The Program Committee is now calling experts from leading organizations to propose abstracts for this year’s program. Preference will be given to presentations that are different from those seen at other events. Presentations must provide insights into developments, trends, or solutions with respect to one or more of the following topics:

  • Challenges with replacing legacy automotive networks with Ethernet
  • Current automotive use-cases and future perspectives
  • Ethernet network design and specification
  • Ethernet requirements for L3 and L4 driving applications
  • Safety, security, and reliability of Ethernet communications
  • Markets and strategies
  • Tools and tests methods
  • Present and future physical layer and protocol solutions

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

  1. Write a descriptive title for your presentation.
  2. Write the name, organization, and email address of the authors in the order that the authors should be listed in the program.
  3. Choose only one main topic.
  4. Write the abstract.
  5. Submit the completed form by 03 May 2024.
  6. View Presentation Guidelines (PDF)

Call for Abstracts Submission

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